31 ways to Earn Money Online as a STUDENT in India

As a STUDENT, we have some free time now and then. Using that free time with these ways helps to earn money as well as some of them can be added to your resume which makes your portfolio stronger.

I have listed only the ways where you can make a pretty good amount of money.

A small Disclaimer:-

Many of these ways are not instant, they grow step-by-step like a business. Also, most of them require knowledge and skills to start earning from them. These are some real money making process, that you can even start from your college.


31 ways to Earn Money Online as a STUDENT in India

1.Starting a YouTube Channel

We all already know that YouTube makes money, we also see many YouTubers from India making their total livelihood from it.

But they did not make it possible in one day. It took years for them to reach that position. So starting a YouTube channel right when you are studying helps you get some pocket money in college & also works as your profession after years.

Technically starting YouTube channel takes just minutes. Just go to youtube.com and create a channel.

Pro Tip:- Treat your channel as some Brand. Create a Facebook fan page and a twitter account to it. So that it can reach people too quick.  You can also create a website for your brand, which makes your brand more powerful.

You don’t need a high Investment to start a good channel. Concentrate on content and shoot video in a phone camera. Edit them and upload.

Once you have a good amount of subscribers, you can buy a good quality camera and audio system. Later you can buy more from your YouTube Money.

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2nd Pro Tip:- Start the channel in only one Niche. Selecting multiple Niche makes hard to rank high on YouTube.
Also, it decreases your subscribers.
For Ex:- If you created a channel on Tech, Dog Care & Health. As a person who loves tech and subscribed to your channel. I don’t like to get notifications about health. This finally ends up unsubscribing your channel.
Go In-depth into one Niche.

2.Becoming a Blogger

Blogging is much easier than YouTube because you can express your content by writing which is definitely an easy process than making videos. But without Quality content, you may not able to come up with Blogging or YouTube.

But unlike YouTube, You need to invest some amount to start a Blog. You should buy a domain & hosting service for your Blog which costs roughly Rs3000 – Rs4000.

Then you can create your site using WordPress & start Writing content in it.

Blogging also takes a long time to get money, even longer than a YouTube channel. So it is also better to start a blog in the college, which can become your profession after years.

Blogging is so similar to YouTube, Where you create content in the text form.

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Pro Tip:- Treat your blog as a brand, create social media fan pages to attract the audience. You can also create a YouTube channel to expand your brand.

Whatever you do, you should give more priority to helping your audience than making money. If you do so money will automatically roll into your wallet.

There are multiple ways to earn money from blogging like ads, affiliate, sponsored posts etc.

2nd Pro Tip:- Select only one Niche which helps your blog to rank better in Search Engines. Which people also like to follow.

3. Sell your website

Most people don’t like to Blog on one single topic all their lifetime. So they create multiple websites which help them to blog on the different topics. Maybe because of work, you need to sell your old blog. Then it can be possible with Flippa.

If you have a website, which is generating some amount, then you can sell that website on Flippa for your Rate.

Just go to flippa.com and create your account. Flippa works on the bidding system. The highest bidder can buy that website.

Set the bid price for your website 15 times more than the monthly Income. If your income is Rs10,000 per month, then sell your website for Rs1,50,000.

People start placing their bids, the one with the high bid gets the website. Flippa will manage all the payment and technical stuff.

This system helps you to earn money fastly.

If you are too much interested in your topic and want to create a brand around it, selling your website is not a good method to go with.

4. Start Dropshipping Business

Dropshipping Business is similar to creating an online store and selling your products. But in drop shipping, you sell other products.

This is not an affiliate. In affiliate, you recommend some others product. People go to their website and buy the product, so you get the commission. Whereas in drop Shipping, People buy the product from your site, then you will buy the product for the even cheaper price from another site.

Don’t worry this is an automatic process.

You will be with a partner with this site called Shopify.com. You check the product there and upload it to your site including your profits.

When people buy the product on your site, the details will be sent to Shopify. The complete customer care and shipping will be taken care of by Shopify.

So there is no fear and investment in stock and shipping, even though you can create an online store.

There are multiple plus points here than affiliate:-

  1. People will buy the product from your site itself.
  2. You can decide your profit percent other than just fixed affiliate commissions.
  3.  You can make more sales with online store page, than some blog posts with affiliate links.

5. Start Facebook Marketing

If you are so much interested in Social Media, then this is for you.

You just need to know about

  1. How to promote a facebook page to get more audience?
  2. What is mean by Affiliate Marketing?

You just need to create a Facebook page and start uploading posts. Now you have to get more Page likes and grab the audience.

You can even promote your page to reach more people.

Then you need to know about Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate Marketing means just promoting other people’s product and getting commissions for them.

If your Facebook page is on Tech, then You can keep Affiliate links of phones and Laptops on your facebook page. If anyone buys the product you suggested, then you will get a commission for it.

The more people on your page, the more the sales you get.

You can do that with Twitter and other social media channels as well, but facebook works well for it.

Think twice before you invest in it, only a few people buy products you suggested. Sometimes, no one may buy it. The more experience you have in marketing, the more you earn from it.

6. Use Your Social Media Followers

This is another way for people who love social media.

It may be Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or any other Social Media platform. You will get paid for sharing links.

This is how you can do that,

Most of the Businesses and Startups are struggling hard to promote their business on social media. Those businesses need some people who help them to promote their business on these platforms.

Luckily, you can help them, so they pay you for what you are doing.

The more you share, the more you earn. The more followers you have, the more amount you receive. They only pay for clicks, but not Impressions.

You may not lead the life with that amount, but you can increase your Pocket Money as a Student.

ShareMagnet.com & Viraliti.com are some sites, where you can find such businesses which need your help to promote their business.

7. Get Paid for tweeting

This is so much similar to the previous way. But it is only with the twitter.

Why I am specially mentioning Twitter, though the process is the same because you will get paid more with this process.

There are some sites which can pay you more than 1000 per tweet. But you need thousands of followers.

The most important thing is, you don’t need to invest a single Rupee into it. All you need to do is the tweet.

SponsoredTweet.com, PaidPerTweet.com, Twitpub.com are some sites where you can start your earning.

But remember, this method of earning can only increase your Pocket Money or can be added as an extra income.

8. Get a part Time job as Social Media Moderator or Social Evaluator

Again coming to the point, Companies are too much interested in promoting their business via Social Media, But this time you will not share their links. Instead, you will work with them.

Some companies have more followers to their social media accounts. They use these accounts to get connected with their audience. But when they receive more comments and questions, they can’t handle all of them on their own.

So they need people who can get in contact with their customers. Here where Social Media Moderators & Social Evaluators come in.

You need to monitor their Social media sites and check the user’s feedback is Good.

For this, you need to understand the company needs and follow their instructions. You need to work at least 15hrs per week.

You may get paid from Rs500 to RS1000 per hour.

Appen.com, CrispThinking.com, LiveWorld.com, ModSquad.com are the sites where you can apply for the Job.

9. Earn Money with Instagram

I am listing all the ways where you can earn from Social Media. Instagram is not an exception for it. Instead, you have more ways to earn from Instagram.

Do you know, Instagram is not just a social Media site, It’s is a micro Blogging site, where you can upload Images.

You can earn money from Instagram similar to Blogging.

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You also need to select a Niche, Post Regularly, Follow Instagram Search Engine techniques and increase your followers.

With the help of these followers, you can do Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored Posts, Sell Your Instagram Photos Online and even you can sell your Instagram Account.

You need to create a brand and also build trust even on Instagram. Whatever you need to do in Blogging, you need to do it here except creating and buying a domain and hosting.

Recently, Instagram launched IGTV, You can use that platform too to make money on Instagram.

  • How to make money on IGTV

10. Make use of Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging means Blogging on different sites which help you to get traffic and backlinks to your website. But you can Guest Blog without any Blog & even you can earn money.

If you can write in a particular niche, Search for blogs that allow Guest Blogging in that niche.

Here is how you can do that,

Search in Google like this:

“Your Niche”+ Guest Blogging

“Your Niche”+ Write for Us

Or you can search on Google like this:

Blogs that allow Guest Blogging in “Your Niche Name” Niche. 

Someone may be created a post listing them.

Not all blogs which allow Guest Blogging are helpful to you to earn money.

Some Blogs are created like Revenue sharing websites, You can insert your AdSense code into them. So that the ads displayed on those websites will make you Money.

Or you can insert Affiliate links in between your content & get affiliate commisions using their traffic.

But remember, not all blogs allow your ads and affiliate links. You need to contact the site admin before writing in their Blog.

Student Companion is there to help students, If you are a Student, you can write a blog on this site and earn money from Affiliate links.

11. Writing in Authority Websites

Many Authority Websites are looking for Good Content for their sites to increase their user base. They may not do all the work, doesn’t matter how much experience he/she has.

So they pay for the people who write articles on their site.

But you need writing Good content which they like. & also you need to write content on that Blog’s Niche. No matter who you are, they will accept posts if they are good.

I cannot mention the exact payment here as each site has their own value.

Some sites pay more than Rs20,000 per article, where some site pay only Rs100 per article. The more they pay you, the more Good & quality content they expect.

12. Join in Freelancing or Micro Job Sites

The whole purpose of freelancing & Micro Job sites is, If people need any help, they will post them on these sites. Then you have complete those tasks for them, so they will pay you.

Where the tasks in Freelancing sites are big and skilled, they also pay more.

Tasks in micro job sites are small and they pay less.


Example of tasks in Freelancing sites:-

  1. Creating apps, games, websites, software by coding
  2. Photography works
  3. Visual Effects
  4. Writing content
  5. Marketing their Business
  6. Doing SEO for blogs

Example of tasks in Micro Job sites:-

  1. Commenting on Blogs
  2. Counting total amount of shopping
  3. Sharing about them on Social Media
  4. texting the message to contacts they sent

Some Freelancing sites:-

Upwork.com, Freelancer.com, Fiver.com, PeoplePerHour.com are some examples of freelancing sites.

Some Micro Job sites:-

OneSpace.com, mTurk.com, ClickChores.com, ClickWorker.com, CrowdFlower.com, MicroWorkers.com etc are some examples of Micro Job Sites.

13. Become a Proofreader

Proofreading means reading the text which is written by others and correcting it. You need to correct grammar, typing mistakes, spelling mistakes etc of some others work.

In this growing Internet age, Google ranks websites which are good at grammar. Yes, it is also one of the ranking factors of Google. Because it’s work is to show the best search results possible.

So taking this as an opportunity, you can earn money by proofreading their work. But you need to be good at English.

ProofreadingServices.com, Scribendi.com are some popular sites where people come for proofreaders. You can even find proofreading projects in freelancing sites.

14. Sell Your knowledge through Udemy

Udemy is a place for people to sell their knowledge as a Course for some amount. People who are interested in that course pays that amount to access the course.

The course will be in text, video and audio formats.

Select a topic which you are specialized at. Create a course in video, audio and text formats. Set an amount for your course. Promote your course via Blog or Social Media.

As Udemy is a popular site, there are a lot of chances that people may find your course and enroll it.

The more quality content and promotion, the number of people enroll for your course. The more people enroll for your course, the more money you make.

15. Do CPA Marketing

CPA stands for Cost Per Action

This is almost similar to affiliate marketing, but you get paid even the customer has not purchased any product. Instead, they need to complete an action like submitting an email address or download a free version of their software, etc.

Except that the rest is the same. You need to promote those links via Blog, Youtube channel or Social media etc.

The more actions happen, the more commission you get with CPA marketing.

16. Publish Kindle eBooks

To make this clear, I am comparing this way with Blogging.

In the Blog post, you write some useful content & earn money with ads, affiliate etc. which takes a long time to get money.

On the other side, In Publishing Kindle eBooks, You write more in-depth content, where you can earn when people buy your eBook. It takes time but so much faster than Blogging.31 ways to Earn Money Online as a STUDENT in India 18

You can even promote your eBook in Social Media or by using a Blog.

Sign up to Kindle direct publishing program, with that you get permissions to publish your eBook.

As Amazon’s Kindle is so popular in many countries, you can get a high reach for your eBook. If you have a really good content, You can easily get more sales.

And the most amazing thing is, you need to spend even a single rupee to start earning from this method.

17. Join Online Surveys?

This is the easiest method in this list.

Some companies conduct surveys online, which help them to know about users and their products. This surveys will be useful for their research programs.

They pay for people who helped them by participating in those surveys.

All you need to do is join in those survey websites, and complete the survey’s which are related for you. You can give your honest opinions in those surveys.

Once you finished the survey, you will get paid.

Most surveys run in between, 1 to 30 mins & pay you in between Rs50 – Rs500 per one survey.

Some Servey’s may pay you amazon gift cards, movie tickets, mobile recharges, coupon cards etc instead of money.31 ways to Earn Money Online as a STUDENT in India 19

18. Create a Tee-Spring Campaign

Most of the college Students Are Running It At present in Almost Every Corner of The World.

This is definitely One of The Best Ways To Earn Money Because All You Need Is Photo Editing Skills And Promoting Talent. The Process Is So Simple.

  • You Start With Thinking of the Design You Want To Print On The Tee-shirt.
  • After the design Is Fixed You Need To Convert Your Design Into Digital Format Using Tools Like Photoshop.
  • Then Upload It to Tee-shirt Campaign Websites and Adjust the Size & Colour of Your Desired Shirt.
  • After Your Shirt is Uploaded, Share The link In Social Media And Give Paid Ads to Targeted Audience Who Like To Buy That Shirt.
  • The More Tee-Shirts You Sell, The More Money You Get.

Once Your Design Is Ready, You can Start Your Campaign Within Minutes. One Of Best And User-friendly Sites For Campaigning Are Teespring.com And Mydreamstore.com.

19. Sell Merchandise on Zazzle

Similar to Tee-spring Campaign, you need to create some design in Digital Media using tools like Photoshop. But there are more products like Cups, Cards, etc in Zazzle.

You just need to register in Zazzle and create a design for the products like cups, cards etc. The entire printing and delivering will be handled by Zazzle.

You can promote your designed products via social or website.

The more sales you get, the more you earn.

20. Teach Your Native Language

Many people are soo much interested to learn languages. & they may various reasons for that. But Google and Apps could not teach them more perfectly.

So they check online for any people who are ready to teach them. & they even pay for what you are doing.

The amount paid will be decided with your experience and ranting.

But you need to have a lot of grip on your language and also on your customer’s language.

You can select your native languages and also the languages you know. So that people can identify you and start learning from you.

All this process can be easily handled with this one site: iTalki.com

21. Start Document translation

When Businesses grow Globally, they need to connect with their customers in the language they understand. Sometimes they connect with their customers through written formats like email, user guides, blog posts etc.

So they need someone who can translate their content into another language. By taking this as an advantage, you can start translating their documents and make money.

You can earn more than Rs500 for some documents.

Here are some sites, where you can find such opportunities

  1. TranslatorsCafe.com
  2. Gengo.com
  3. Lingosaur.com

22. Start Medical transcription work

You don’t need to learn medicine to become a Medical Transcriptor. But you need the skills to type fast.

If you can do so, Medical transcription work is for you.

You need a laptop/PC with headphones.

Some Medicine names and theory will be going on the headphones, You need to change that into text format.

You just need to write what you listen.

You can a huge amount of money for that hard work you do.

23. Write Subtitles for Videos

You may have already seen subtitles for Movies, TV series etc. The one who wrote they are captioners. If you are willing to write subtitles for videos & earn money, you can call your self as a captioner.

The process is so much similar to the transcription. But here you will write for videos like movies and series instead of audio of medical terms.

You also should make sure that your captions are syncing to the audio.

Rev.com is the perfect platform for you to get the opportunity to write subtitles for videos.

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24. Start your career as Graphic Designer

Graphic Designing is one of the best ways you can select as a Student. Despite getting jobs from it you can even earn money online as a freelancer.

Companies need Graphic Designers to make their Company look more brandy and also to attract the audience.

You can design logos, websites, illustrations, banners, etc etc etc.

Graphic Design is growing up day by day, and starting a part-time career is the best option you could get if you love designing.

Fiverr.com, Freelancer.com, Upwork.com are the site to show your Graphic skills.

25. Earn Money by Reviewing Music

If you love listening to music and can share your review based on your opinion, then this is especially for you.

Individual Music creators, Companies etc to check their work, they post them on music review sites, You need to listen to them and write a review based on your opinion.

SliceThePie.com, MusicXray.com, MusicResearch.com are some sites where you can review Music.

But you can make money from this technique, but you can increase your pocket money a bit.

26. Become a Photographer

If you are interested in Photography, then you may need to try this. Photography also makes money online.

You need to take amazing photos and upload them to some sites when someone downloaded your photos, you get your commision.

Whereas in some sites, people have to pay and download the photos.

Some sites need only high-quality Images, some sites even accept photos taken from your smartphone.31 ways to Earn Money Online as a STUDENT in India 21

Sites which need good quality images:-

  1. iStock Photo
  2. Smug Mug
  3. Alamy
  4. Getty Images
  5. Fotolia

Apps which accept photos by smartphones:-

  1. Clashot
  2. Foap
  3. Snap Wire
  4. Icon Zoomer

Remember, it’s not that easy to earn money from this technique, they need really good images.

27. Sell Your Short Stories

If you are interested in writing short stories, then you can get for what you are doing. There are places online where you can sell your story right from sitting in your place. You will get payed with a pretty good amount.

Some sites even pay Rs1000 per page. But they have to like your story, that is the only problem you may face.

Secondly, you should write your story only in English on many sites. There may be some sites if you want to write in your desired language, check out in Google.

Here is the list of sites, where you can submit your story.

28. Virtual Call Center Employee

It’s a call center job where you don’t need to go to some office and work, instead, you can work from the home with one corded telephone.

It is definitely scalable for students, & they really pay a good amount of money.

WorkingSolutions.com, LiveOps.com, AlpineAccess.com are some sites, where you can find virtual call center jobs.

Once you logged in, they will explain the process clearly and send the details about their company, so that you can talk to customers.

29. Participating in Usability testing

You need to check the usability testing for software, websites, apps, etc.

You just need a phone or a laptop to start this, no extra tools are needed for testing. Then you can share your review, then they will pay you some amount for the help you did.

You might need some technical knowledge, but not be a professional.

I think Students are the perfect people for this kind of activities.

UserTesting.com, EnrollApp.com, ErilBird.com, UserLytics.com, StartupLift.com are best sites to start your testing.

30. Start Data Entry Work

Data Entry means taking data from one source and typing it in another. Companies need data like customer details, product details etc. They get this data from multiple sources, now they need to arrange them in one place.

It will not happen automatically, so, they hire people to do that data entry job. & they pay the amount for that.

You need some technical and typing skills. You can definitely get a data entry job without having such skills, but if you have them, then your work will be so simple to complete.

Tdec.com, DionDataSolutions.com, AxionData.com are the sites to start your data entry.

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31. Join in Leap Force

Leap Force is a company that provided this work which you can start will absolutely 0 Rs.

The job you have to is just testing the Search Engine and its results. This is called Personalised Search Engine Evaluator.

As a search engine evaluator, you need to follow some instructions. You just to research and analyze the search engines and their results.

Then you need to provide the feedback to them.

To join in this Leap Force, you need to write an online exam by submitting your resume. As a Student, you can definitely join Leap Force. This exam will test your theoretical & practical knowledge of search engines. Take this exam seriously. Take online courses, before writing the exam.

If you have not passed the exam for the first time, you can write again for one more time.

It takes almost 14days from registration to join.

You can earn up to 500 per hour by joining the leap force.

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