Rise of religious Movement in India during 6th century BC

In 6th century 16 big territory emerged in India and the rise of 16 mahajanapadas emerged in India. Mahajanapada where big territorial state with well established system of Administration moreover they are also known for having large standing Armys.

Main philosophy of Buddhism

The four noble truth of Siddhartha philosophy of the nature of human suffering and its relation to desire is articulated by these four statements.

  1. life is full of pain and suffering
  2. Human Desire couch is suffering
  3. By putting an end to desire human can end suffering.
  4. Human can end Desire by following the 8 fold path

Noble Eightfold Path

  1. Right mindfulness ( control your thought)
  2. Right view ( know the truth )
  3. Right intention (Free Your Mind of Evil )
  4. Right speech ( say nothing that hurts other)
  5. Right action ( work for the good of others )
  6. Right livelihood (respect life)
  7. Right effort (resist Evil)
  8. Right concentration (practice meditation)

Main philosophy of Jainism

Primarily Jainism assumed that the universe is without a beginning or an end, being everlasting and eternal.

The wheel of time incessatly revolves like a pendulum in the first half cycle it revolves from the descending to ascending stage where human prosperity, happiness and life is pain increases and in the second half circle it revolves from ascending stage to descending stage where prosperity happiness and life span decreases.

The ninth tattavas are the single most important subject of Jain philosophy deals with the theory of Karma which provides the basic for the path of Liberation (Moksha).

These 9 tattvas or 9 fundamental element explain the nature of life and answer to the problem of sufferi